we provide SAP FICO course online training
Course Details
? Definition of Company
? Definition of Company code
? Assignment of company to company code
? Definition of business area
? Definition of fiscal year variant
? Assignment of fiscal year variant to company code
? Definition of posting period variant
? Assignment of posting period variant to company code
? Open and close posting period
? Defining document type & number ranges
? Maintenance of field status variants
? Assignment of field status variant to company code
? Definition of tolerance groups for GL accounts
? Definition of tolerance groups for employees
? Assignment of tolerance groups to users
? Taxes on Sales & Purchases (input & output)
? Creation of chart of Accounts
? Defining Accounts Groups
? Defining Retained Earnings Account.
? Creation of General Ledger Master (with and without reference)
? Display/Change/Block/Unblock of General Ledger master
? Document Entry posting normal postings and posting with reference
? Display and change of documents
? Display of GL balances
? Display GL account line items
? Parked documents
? Hold documents
? Creation of Sample Document and postings with sample documents
? Defining recurring entry document and postings with recurring doc.
? Configuration of line layouts for display of GL line items
? Reversal of individual documents, mass reversal , reversal of cleared items and reversal of accrual and deferral documents
? Defining Exchange Rate types and Translation ratios
? Define Exchange rates & posting of foreign currency transactions
? Interest calculations on term loans
? Accrual and Deferral documents
? Creation of vendor account groups
? Creation of number ranges for vendor master records
? Assignment of number ranges to vendor account groups
? Creation of tolerance group for venders
? Creation of vendor master (display/change/block/unblock of vender master)
? Posting of vendor transactions (invoice posting, payment posting, credit memo)
? Settings for advance payments to parties (down payment) and clearing of down payment against invoices (special GL transactions)
? Posting of partial Payment & Residual Payment
? Creation of payment terms,
? Creation of house banks and account ids.
? Creation of check lots and maintenance of check register
? Display check register
? Cancellation of un issued checks
? Creation of void reasons
? Cancellation of issued checks
? Posting of purchase returns
? Configuration of automatic payment program
? Payment to vendors through Automatic Payment Program
? Defining correspondence & party statement of accounts
? Creation of customer account groups
? Creation of number ranges for customer master records
? Assignment of number ranges for customer account groups
? Creation of tolerance group for customers
? Creation of customer master (display/change/block/unblock of vender master)
? Posting of customer transactions (sales invoice posting, payment posting, debit memo)
? Settings for advance payment from parties (down payment)
? Configuration of settings for Dunning
? Defining correspondence and party statement of accounts
? Defining chart of depreciation
? Creation of 0% tax codes for sales and purchased
? Assignment of chart of depreciation to company code
? Defining account determination
? Definition of screen lay out rules
? Definition of number ranges for asset classes
? Integration with General Ledger & Posting rules
? Defining Depreciation key
? Definition of Multilevel methods
? Definition of period control methods
? Creation of main asset master records
? Creation of sub asset master records
? Acquisition of fixed assets
? Sale of fixed assets
? Transfer of assets
? Scrapping of assets,
? Depreciation run
? Line item Settlement of assets under construction of capital work in progress
? Parallel ledgers
? document splitting
? Segments.
? Financial statement version
? General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and Assets Reports
? Defining Controlling Area
? Defining Number ranges for Controlling Area
? Maintain Planning Versions
? Creation of Primary cost elements from financial accounting area
? Creation of Primary cost elements from controlling area
? Display of cost element master records
? Change cost element master records
? Primary cost element categories
? Secondary cost element categories
? Default account assignments
? Defining Cost Center Standard Hierarchy
? Creation of Cost Centers and cost center groups
? Display cost center master records
? Change cost center master records
? Creation of cost center groups
? Posting to cost centers
? Reposting of co line items
? Repost of Costs
? Planning for cost centers
? Overhead Calculation
? Creation of secondary cost element master records
? Creation and Execution of Distribution Cycle
? Creation and execution of assessment cycles
? Cost center reports
? Defining order types
? Creation of Internal order master records
? display Internal order master records
? change Internal order master records
? postings to Internal orders
? planning for Internal orders
? reposting co line items for Internal orders
? repost of costs for Internal orders
? Report of Variance analysis for Internal orders
? creation of real Internal orders
? Defining order types
? Creation of Internal order master records
? Display Internal order master records
? Change Internal order master records
? Postings to Internal orders
? Planning for Internal orders
? Reposting CO line items for Internal orders
? Repost of costs for Internal orders
? Report of Variance analysis for Internal orders
? Creation of real Internal orders
? Posting of business transaction to Real Orders
? Definition of Allocation structures
? Definition of Settlement profiles
? Definition of Planning profiles
? Settlement of Real Internal orders
? Basic Settings for Profit Center Accounting
? Creation of Dummy Profit Centers
? Maintenance of control parameters for actual postings
? Maintaining planning versions for profit centers
? Maintaining the number ranges for profit center documents
? Creation of profit center master records
? Display of profit center master records
? Changing the profit center master records
? Creation of revenue cost elements
? Automatic Assignment of Revenue elements for Profit Centers
? Assignment of profit centers in cost center master records
? Creation of account groups in profit center accounting for planning
? Planning for profit and loss account items
? Planning for balance sheet items
? Posting of transactions into profit centers
? Generating the variance reports for profit and loss account items
? Generating the variance reports for balance sheet items.
? Definition of Organizational units in materials management i.e. plant, storage location and purchase organization
? Assignment of organizational units to each other
? Definition of tolerance groups for purchase orders
? Definition of tolerance groups for goods receipt
? Definition of tolerance groups for invoice verification
? Definition of vendor specific tolerances
? Creation, display and change of material master records
? Creation of plant parameters
? Definition of Organizational units in materials management i.e. plant, storage location and purchase organization
? Assignment of organizational units to each other
? Definition of tolerance groups for purchase orders
? Definition of tolerance groups for goods receipt
? Definition of tolerance groups for invoice verification
? Definition of vendor specific tolerances
? Creation, display and change of material master records
? Creation of plant parameters
? Maintenance of posting periods for materials management
? Maintenance of parameters for invoice verification
? Maintenance of plant parameters for inventory management and physical inventory
? Definition of attributes for material types
? Assignment of GL accounts for material transactions in financial accounting
? Creation of purchase order, posting of goods receipt, invoice verification and Goods issue for production
? Definition of Sale Organization
? Definition of distribution channels
? Definition of divisions
? Assignment among various organizational units in SD
? Definition of partner functions
? Definitions of shipping point and lo